Why Would A Girl Ghost Me If She Likes Me?

I know you can feel frustrated dealing with a girl you like and she suddenly ghosts you, even if it seemed like she liked you back. There are several reasons why a woman would ghost you even if she likes you. First, let’s talk about some general reasons why girls ghost men.

Why Do Girls Ghost Men?

You know that feeling when you’re texting a woman or hanging out, and everything seems to be going well. You two are vibing, laughing, she laughs at your jokes; everything seems perfect. Then, suddenly, after getting back home, you don’t hear from her again. Or, if you guys texted, she suddenly does not respond to your messages.

Hours and hours go by… no response. Even though she used to text you very often without a long gap. You decide to double-text her. Still, no response. Even if she responds, you get a short one or two-word answer.

And after a while, boom. You never hear from her again. She either doesn’t open your message or blocks you.

You ask yourself: “how could she do that?”. You have to understand that today’s women have an extremely high number of options. When you think about it, an average-looking girl with a few photos on social media will get a very high number of compliments and messages from random guys.

Therefore, you’re just a needle in a haystack when you’re interacting with most of today’s girls. You have to keep this in mind.

The reason why she ghosted you all of a sudden even if you guys vibed together could be that she was just an attention junkie. In other words, she could have enjoyed your attention but was not planning on anything long-term. She also could have met another guy who she thought was better than you.

Women always crave a “new toy”. They crave attention and always want a better deal. If she thinks she could do better, she’ll most likely leave you and ghost you eventually.

So, these two reasons are general reasons most women ghost men, even if you guys had a good time together and even if you had good text conversations. But why would she ghost you if she showed high levels of interest before? Let’s get into that.

So, Why Would She Ghost Me If She Likes Me?

Maybe it seemed that she liked you, but that was not the case. She could have just pretended and wanted attention from you, and then searched for a better deal with another guy.

However, it is possible that she just lived in the moment. Since girls are emotional creatures, she could have enjoyed that particular moment when you guys were together hanging out or texting something funny.

When that moment ended, she could have felt different; her emotions changed, and she no longer felt like she wanted to continue the conversation.

It is also possible that you said something that made her feel weird or creeped out. A lot of men don’t have very good skills when it comes to talking to women. That’s why practice makes perfect.

You should try to talk to women that you find attractive by simply saying hello and asking some friendly questions to get to know her better and make her feel comfortable with you. If she’s not interested, move on.

All in all, guys, don’t feel bad when this happens. As I previously said, women are emotional creatures. Even if you didn’t say something wrong, she might have enjoyed the moment with you, but after that moment passed, she wanted to try something else, she just wanted your attention or simply didn’t feel like continuing to talk.

What Not To Do When Someone Ghosts You?

Whether it’s a girl you like or a random person, you should avoid double-texting, triple-texting, and so on. Let’s pretend this was a girl that you like. She HAS SEEN your message. Girls always carry their phones around and are, in most cases, not THAT busy.

If you double-text her, you can come off as desperate, and she will lose attraction for you even more because girls hate desperate, needy men.

If you guys had talked normally and she responded to your messages fast, and all of a sudden she took a couple of hours to respond, you shouldn’t panic. She could indeed be busy.

If she comes back after those couple of hours and keeps messaging you like she used to, she could have had something going on. That’s fine!

However, if she ALWAYS takes a long time to respond, every few hours, or even 24 hours later, this is a sign that she’s not interested, or she is not interested anymore.

Just think about it. If you were happy to talk to someone and you saw their messages, would you ignore them every time for hours or more than a day? No!

In conclusion, if someone ghosts you, don’t show desperation. Respect their time, they could be doing something, but if it’s a girl who regularly takes too long to respond, or suddenly started responding slowly and that keeps going on, remain stoic and simply move on.

There are some girls out there who will show you high interest and respond to your messages quickly. You just need to find them!

One more thing to keep in mind. Even if you and a girl have a nice conversation and are responding to each other quickly, it is best to sometimes pull back a little bit as a man and give her a bit of time to wonder about you. This will create more attraction for you in her eyes and you won’t seem needy.

Think of it as breadcrumbing her with attention.

All the best!

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