How To Respond To An Ex Who Hurt You After No Contact?

How To Respond To An Ex Who Hurt You After No Contact?

Let’s talk about how to respond to your ex-girlfriend when she reaches out to you after some time after a break up. A lot of times this will happen, especially if she notices that the guy she went with wasn’t better than you.

Why Does An Ex Contact You After Years

Whether it is after a few weeks, a few months, or after a few years, an ex can reach out to you due to several reasons. She might reach out to you directly by sending you a message out of the blue or through some of your relatives.

What I noticed is that an ex-girlfriend usually comes around the holidays, Christmas, for example, a birthday, or some special occasion.

Why she contacts you is because she got bored. However, the ultimate and possibly the most likely reason is she misjudged how good the other guy is. She thought he was a “better deal” than you, but she was wrong.

Now, she’s hoping that you’ll let her back in your life. And what’s crazy is that she will try to resume the situation that the two of you already had, like nothing happened.

How To Respond To Her Reaching Out?

If you decide to take your ex-girlfriend back, just know that she’ll leave you again. I have a saying which goes like this: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”. This applies to this case as well.

If you let your ex-girlfriend back into your life, she will leave you again and potentially in a more hurtful way.

So, the best response to her reaching back to you is simply to ignore her.

I know it could be tempting to talk to her and you might even want to know more about her current life situation, and resolve the “mystery” why she left you in the first place.

Resist the temptation because the most likely case is that she thought the other guy was better than you, and now that it didn’t work out between them two, she wants to reconnect with you.

Just think if you really want to do anything other than ignore her. If you treated her well, bought her gifts, were there for her, and listened to her problems, and she took you for granted and left you after all that, would you really want to take that person back into your life?

Again, it could be tempting because of a lot of memories that you guys had together. However, when she left you, she wasn’t really thinking about those memories. She wanted a bigger and better deal.

Now that she got punished from the universe for taking you for granted, and that the things didn’t work out between her and another guy, she wants to get back into your life.

I wouldn’t do it.


An ex is an ex for a reason. You should never live in the past and take her back simply because you two had good memories. If she reaches out after a break up, ignore her.

Focus on yourself and find a woman who’ll stick to you through the good and the bad times, and who won’t leave you for another guy. Good luck!

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