What are the 5 words that turn a woman off? In this article, I will answer that question and explain why these five words turn EVERY woman off. I’ll also talk more about what other things turn women off. Let’s get into it!
What Are These 5 Words?
The 5 words that will turn every woman off immediately are: “Will you be my girlfriend?”. A lot of you reading this might be in shock and probably think “This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about.”, but I’ll explain why saying this to a woman is a bad idea.
When you say this, a woman will feel that you have a scarcity mindset. She might even wonder whether you’re dealing with other girls. “Why am I so special, and why does he want to settle with ME? Are there any other girls in his life that want him? This is odd.”
In almost all instances, this is what a girl will think.
The one who should ask to be in a relationship is a GIRL. She should follow your lead and she should follow your program. This is because men have always been leaders, and if she sees that you’re a high-value man worth being with, she’ll automatically want to be with you and lock you down.
Unlike you, when you ask a girl to be your girlfriend, she’ll most likely think that you have no other options and you fear losing her. In other words, she’ll think you’re needy. And as I stated previously in some of my articles, women don’t like needy men. They hate neediness.
Therefore, don’t try to lock a woman down. Also, don’t express your feelings too fast. It’s cool if she says something, for example, that she really likes you. Then you can tell her that you like her as well if you do.
But when it comes to trying to lock a woman down, the question is, why would you even want to lock her down in the first place?
Ask yourself, what benefits are you really getting from her being your girlfriend, especially if you guys are now having fun, hanging out, and enjoying each others’ company?
Her being your girlfriend is just a title. You would still get the same benefits. So, there’s no point in really asking her whether she wants to be with you or not. The only thing that will do is turn her off.
In conclusion, when you ask a girl these 5 words, you’re operating from a feminine standpoint, and women want to be with guys who have an abundance mindset, and who are desired by other women.
When you try to lock her down, you’re giving your commitment, which is an extremely valuable possession.
If you really like this girl, first think if you really want to be with her. Ask yourself some important questions, such as “Is she the right fit for me?”, “What does she bring to the table?”, etc.
If you want her to be your girlfriend, don’t bring it up first. Let her bring it up first. Just think of yourself as a celebrity, as someone who is of a higher value. Things will go smoother from there.
What You Should Never Say To A Girl
There are some beta things that you could say to a girl, and believe me, these will turn a girl off.
First of all, imagine you were on a date with this attractive woman. You like her physique, her character, and basically you think of her as an ideal girl.
Now, a lot of men, when that date ends, will go home and ask a girl: “Did you have a good time?”, or they might ask her that at the end of that date.
Don’t ask her this. You are asking for her validation. By saying this, you’re basically telling her “I am scared of losing you. Please, tell me that you had a good time! I hope you had a good time!”.
Ask yourself, why wouldn’t she have a good time with me? Now when you have this sort of attitude, you’ll be more confident and that’s what women like; confident men, not the ones who appear needy, desperate, and scared of losing her.
Similarly, don’t ask her whether she got home safe or not. Deep down, you know that you’re not really asking her that because you’re worried about her not getting home safe.
You’re asking that because you are scared deep down that she might not hang out with you again, so you’re saying this in hopes that she’ll text you back and show you that she’d want to hang out with you again.
Lastly, don’t ask a woman: “When can I see you again?”. Guys usually ask this right before the date ends in hopes that they’ll make a deal on when they’ll meet again before she gets the opportunity to meet with another guy.
This, again, screams scarcity and a lack of options because a woman will think in her head whether you have any other options and other hobbies besides hanging out with her. She’ll get turned off.
Never be desperate and needy with women. The quickest way to turn a woman off is by asking her these five words: “Will you be my girlfriend?”. Let her come to you and follow your program.
Because, at the end of the day, if she really likes you back and if she sees you as high-value, she’ll eventually want you to be her boyfriend!
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