How To Get A Girl Back Who Lost Feelings For You (DO THIS NOW!)

How To Get A Girl Back Who Lost Feelings For You

Whether you are in a relationship or simply hanging out with a girl you like, and you sense that she is losing feelings or already lost them, this article will help you with your situation. Let’s talk more about it!

Why Do Girls Lose Feelings When You Care Too Much?

If a girl lost feelings for you, this translates to her losing interest and possibly respect for you. This can happen due to many reasons. The biggest one is by you being needy. You should NEVER be needy with a woman.

What does being needy mean? It means you are desperate for her attention. You are texting her too much, being too available, etc.

Some other reasons why girls can lose feelings is simply because they think they found a better deal. There’s a saying that says “She’s not yours, it’s your just your turn.”, which is true most of the time.

Girls always like to try new stuff, and if she got bored of you; if you were available too much, she’s most likely going to search for what she thinks is a better deal.

But WHY do they lose feelings when you care too much? I have a saying that women are like cats. Give them too much attention, and they’ll run away. Breadcrumb them with attention, and they’ll most likely stick to you like glue. It’s just their nature!

It’s okay to show interest and care for her if she’s giving you the same effort.

Some guys think that they should buy their women gifts, flowers, etc., even though she’s being distant, just to bring her back on the right track. However, what that’s doing is pushing her away even more! Don’t do that!

On the other hand, if the girl is showing you interest, is being good towards you and is making things easy for you, you can definitely occasionally reward her with some gifts. But remember, “breadcrumb” her!

Now.. let’s answer the ultimate question; how to bring her back if she lost interest?

How To Bring Her Back?

You won’t like this answer, especially if you are into this girl. The only thing you SHOULD do if a girl has lost interest in you is to IGNORE her. If you were too needy and always available to her, this is your best bet.

Now you might ask, why is that? Think of it logically. If you were always there and available, you are predictable to her. She will think something like: “Oh, this guy again…”.

Now, when you ignore her and pull back, the possibility of her getting interested in you again increases because you suddenly changed your behavior, and in her head, she could thing something like: “Where is this guy? He always texted me, and now he isn’t here. Let me chase him and see if he’s talking to other girls.”

You see how this works? She suddenly got some mystery from you, and girls LOVE mystery.

Remember, this is not a guarantee that she’ll be interested in you again. Most of the time, if the girl has lost feelings for you, there’s not much you can do, and the chances of her getting back in touch are slim.

However, by trying this technique, it can increase your chances of getting her interested again.

Still, I think that you should not deal with women who are not into you. Just move on to the women who like you and make things easy for you.

This doesn’t mean that you should be needy with those women. Improve yourself and your lifestyle. Work to achieve your goals, enjoy your hobbies, and it will be much easier!

Good luck.

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