How To Turn The Tables On A Girl Playing Games?

How To Turn The Tables On A Girl Playing Games?

So, you’ve been dealing with a girl lately and you notice her start playing games. This could be playing hot and cold, short responses, long time until she responds, etc. Let’s talk about why some girls do this and how to turn the tables and ultimately win over the situation.

Why Do Girls Play Games With Guys?

The reason in 99% of cases is she DOES NOT like you that way. Women really only play games with guys they don’t really desire sexually. They don’t find those guys physically attractive, they simply see them as beta orbiters who are there for her to give her attention and validation.

There are other possibilities, of course, but this is most likely. Think about it. Imagine you were some famous guy, a celebrity, perhaps a famous football player. If you reached out to her out of the blue and asked to hang out, do you REALLY think that she would start saying things like: “Oh, I need to see my schedule. Maybe next week. I’m busy now..”.

Of course not!

So think of yourself as a celebrity. She wouldn’t play mind games with those guys. She wouldn’t give her celebrity crush a one-word response or not reply for hours and hours.

In rare circumstances, some girls will play hard to get with a guy they like. The reason being is she wants you to chase. However, here’s what happens if you start chasing her; she’ll get more distant and turned off.

On the other hand, if you see her playing hard to get and reciprocate the efforts she’s putting in, she’ll more likely see you as a high-value guy that can’t be played with.

For example, let’s say you guys are texting and she takes hours to respond. You respond back immediately after she responds to you, let’s say 10 hours later. In this case, she could see you as a guy with no life, who’s just behind the phone constantly waiting to text and give her free attention and validation.

However, if you reciprocate that and don’t reply to her for long time as well, you won’t appear as needy. Still, my recommendation would be not to deal with these kinds of girls that take this much time to respond. You don’t need that kind of woman in your life, because, there’s a 99.99% chance that she’s wasting your time.

If she was really 100% into you, she wouldn’t take hours to respond, but would respond almost instantly and everything would feel easy and smooth.

Some guys would ask; but why can’t I find that sort of woman where everything will be easy with her? That’s because the majority of modern women are time wasters and just attention seekers. There are women out there who are good and won’t waste your time, but they are definitely more rare.

As I previously stated, if a woman is really into you, she’ll make things easy for you, and she won’t take hours to respond. If she’s putting an effort and you see her replying instantly, you don’t have to wait hours to respond to her every time.

It’s fine to respond to her almost immediately or within a few minutes SOMETIMES if she’s putting same effort. But even then, I recommend breadcrumbing her with attention, which means that if you decide to respond immediately, do it once or a few times, and then pull back a little bit.

After that, you can do it again!

How To Turn The Tables On A Girl Playing Games?

Now the ultimate question, how to turn the tables on this kind of woman that is playing games with you? The simple answer is IGNORE HER.

I know this is probably not something that you wanted to hear, especially if you like this girl. However, if you see her playing games and taking hours or more than 24 hours to respond EVERY TIME, then it is best to just ignore her, or ghost her in other words.

This is your best bet because if you continue to tolerate this sort of behavior, and especially if she does it always, she’ll see you as a guy she can play with.

On the other hand, if she’s somewhat attracted to you, and senses that she could potentially lose you, she’ll get back on the right track and act right. This is not a guarantee, but my recommendation can increase your chances of that happening.

Another alternative is to correct her. One way to do that would be to send her a text message of this kind of type: “I see you’ve been distant. This is not going to work out. Good luck in your search!”.

After this text message, she could get mad and block you or ignore you, but at least then you will know what woman you’re dealing with and if she was really interested in you.

On the other hand, if she was attracted to you, this text message could make her panic because she’ll notice that she can’t play games with you, and she could potentially lose you.

So, in her mind, she’ll be like “Okay, this guy can’t be played like every other guy I play with. I better be good. I see he can leave me. Let me chase him!”


All in all, guys, my ultimate recommendation is to deal with women who don’t play games and who are really into you. With them, everything will feel easy and smooth, unlike with women who are not into you.

You don’t want to be jumping through hoops all the time. You don’t deserve that!

So, the best possible thing to do with a girl ignoring you or constantly playing games is to just ignore her and find a girl who won’t do that sort of stuff.

Good luck!

Some of our previous articles:

Texting Mistakes That Turn Girls Off

Why Would A Girl Ghost Me If She Likes Me?

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