Texting Mistakes That Turn Girls Off (NEVER Do These!)

Texting Mistakes That Turn Girls Off

Most guys make some silly mistakes when texting girls, which, unfortunately, leads to them being ghosted or eventually friend-zoned and rejected. Let’s talk about these mistakes so you can avoid doing them and ultimately improve your game!

What Not To Text A Girl?

You know that feeling in your gut that says that something is off with the girl you’re talking? I’ve been there, and in 99% of cases, that feeling is true.

Sometimes a girl will ghost you or play silly games simply because she’s not into you, but sometimes, it can be due to a certain thing that you said.

The quickest way to turn a woman off is by being needy. If she can feel over text that “needy vibe”, it is guaranteed that she’ll be turned off. Try to be nonchalant, do not double-text her.

For example, if you text a girl something and she doesn’t reply for some time, a couple of hours, or even more than that, DO NOT double-text her. Double texting her won’t lead to anything other than her being turned off even more.

Another texting mistake would be asking her if she wants to be your girlfriend. This can turn her off even if you ask her in person. This is because women want to be the first ones to ask you that question.

Especially if she has not given you enough effort meanwhile, asking her this question will lead to you not seeing her again.

NEVER text her good night, good morning, how’s your day beautiful, or anything of that nature. I can see if she is putting in the effort and doing that regularly, then you can do it back sometimes. But constantly checking up on her will turn her off. Instead, when talking to her, sometimes you should simply pull back and give her at least a couple of hours of silence to wonder about you and miss you. This will create attraction.

If it’s been a couple of hours since you talked to her, you could text her something like “Hey, been very busy with the work, now I’m heading to the gym!”. This is a good tactic that can show her that you’re a high value.

Stay with me on this one; when you approach a girl or meet her online, and she gives you her number, DO NOT wait too long like some dating gurus tell you. Just think about it, you’re a girl and a lot of men text you and want to hang out with you. You ultimately have a lot of options.

That means that if you wait too long to text a girl that just gave you her number, she could forget about you, or simply move on to what she thinks is a better deal. Women are always accepting applications.

Remember this: beta males are passive, alpha males go for what they want. Therefore, do not wait. When you can, text her and make things happen!

This one is very important; never send her photos of your reproductive organ. By doing this, you’re presenting yourself as a low-value man. You want to separate yourself from all the thirsty dudes out there.

By sending her these kinds of pictures, you’re not going to separate yourself, but only show that you’re the same as these guys.

And finally, this one is extremely important, do not complain to a woman how your life is hard or how you hate your job, etc. Women don’t want to hear about your problems. They actually want you to be a rock, a strong person. When they sense that you’re weak, it’s going to turn them off.

What To Text A Girl When Conversation Gets Boring?

This depends on how much you guys are familiar with each other. If you just met this girl through an online platform and you guys are texting, the best way to get the conversation going and be more interesting is by asking her open-ended questions about herself.

Girls like to talk about themselves, and this can actually lead to her being more attached to you and falling in love over the long run. If you’re constantly texting her about yourself and how you do this and do that, she’ll be like: “Okay…?”

Of course, you should say something about yourself, but make her talk more. Try to get her more invested. And one of the ways for her to invest more in the conversation is by talking.

Keep this in mind, the main purpose of texting should be to make a deal on when you guys are going to meet up in person. This is the ultimate goal. So keep your text messages to a minimum.

I can understand if you just met online. Try to get to know her better, ask her about herself, try to include some flirty messages too. Also, if she has a photo of herself, you can compliment her outfit, her shoes, ask her where she bought those shoes, etc.

Sometimes, it is okay to compliment her on her looks, but the majority of dudes do this, and you want to separate yourself by giving her a unique compliment.

When you get in person with her, you’ll be able to flirt with her more and build attraction. An example of a flirty question that you can ask her when you two are together in person is something like “What is your favorite body part on a guy”? From there, you can continue further.

Good luck!

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