You recently met a girl and started texting her. You really like her and want her to want you as well. What are some things you can text her to make the attraction go higher? Let’s talk more about it in this article, as I will provide you with some examples!
Texting A Girl
First of all, before getting into what to text her to make her want you, remember that you do not want to be her text buddy.
What I mean is you don’t want to be labeled as a needy or a desperate guy who is always available to her over text.
If she constantly replies slowly to your text messages (she takes like a couple of hours every time), you shouldn’t respond to her within minutes.
On the other hand, if she’s putting in the effort and replying fast, you can reply fast as well, but remember to pull back sometimes to make her wonder about what you’re doing and create attraction.
What To Text Her To Make Her Want You? (3 EXAMPLES)
“I’ve been quite busy! Now I’m heading to the gym.”
Yes, you can text her this and this will show her that you’re a high-value man who has life. It doesn’t have to be this exact message, but the point is to show her that you’re doing something in your life besides texting her.
This is an example of a message that you will text her after some time (preferably a few hours) of not responding to her.
Also, you can text her something like “I was busy. Went for a run/walk/training.” “I worked on a project.” Basically anything interesting and fun to show her that you have hobbies and activities that you’re doing. This is the main point of this type of message.
Asking her open-ended questions about herself
Yes, ask her open-ended questions to get to know her better. If you’re constantly talking about yourself, she’ll be like: “Oh, cool…”. And she’ll get bored easily.
On the other hand, by asking her to talk about herself, she can open up and tell you a lot of stuff, and sometimes, even some secrets. Women LOVE talking about themselves, and if they tell you their deepest secrets, chances are, they will stick with you longer.
“Can you get me [SOMETHING] from the store before I come?”
“Can you get me a bottle of water from the store before I come”, “Can you get me a banana, I’d like to have a snack when I come”, or something along those lines are powerful sentences.
A lot of you will wonder why.
I’ll explain.
By asking a girl something like this, you’re going to see multiple things. First, you’ll see if she has a problem spending her money on you. Now, you’re not asking for anything EXPENSIVE. The point is to ask her for something cheap, like a bottle of water.
And if you’re driving to meet her, you might be thirsty and want a bottle of water! By asking her to buy you a bottle of water (this is just an example, you can ask her anything), you’re making her invest!
If she gets an attitude, you know what kind of girl you’re dealing with, and you can go deal with another girl.
However, if she’s happy and is willing to get this item for you, she’s investing her money into you, and when a woman invests her money into you, it’s harder for her to leave.
In fact, she’ll most likely stick to you like glue in the long run.
You can use this technique sometimes. The main point is to make her invest in you, because, again, the chances of her sticking with you are higher if she invests.
Just think about it. When you invested a lot of time, effort, and money into something, you most likely didn’t want to leave that so easily!
It’s the same with women. If they invest in you, it’s harder for them to leave, and she’ll ultimately want you more!
Use these three examples to maximize your chances of a woman wanting you more and sticking to you.
Remember, the main points of these examples are to get her to talk about herself more, get her to invest in you, and to show her that you’re a busy, high-value man who has life and who is not available 24/7 for her.
Good luck!