Dating Advice for Shy Guys (5 TIPS TO IMPLEMENT TODAY!)

Dating Advice for Shy Guys


So, you’re a shy guy and decided to click on this article to get information on how to be more successful with women. You’re in the right place! In this article, I’ll give you 5 tips you can implement today to become more attractive to women. Let’s get into more details.

Dating Advice for Shy Guys

Here are some tips for shy men:

1. Go out more

My number one advice would be to go out more. What I mean is you should socialize more, talk to other people, no matter how hard it may seem.

I know, if you’re shy, it might seem extremely hard! However, going out more will significantly help you be more confident around women, and therefore, more attractive to them.

You don’t have to be too hard on yourself. For example, the next time you go out, tell yourself that you will say “hi” to at least one person that you walk next to.

After that, you can increase that to a few people. Then, tell yourself, today I am going to approach one person. It doesn’t have to be a woman. Talk about something casual. That way, you’ll be more relaxed and it will ultimately be a lot easier to approach a girl you like.

2. Approach girls if there is an opportunity

You shouldn’t cold approach every single woman you see, especially if your instinct tells you that she is not open to conversation.

However, if you see a girl that you find attractive and if she seems relatively “open” to talking, you can approach, say hi, and ask her how she’s doing, what she’s doing, etc. Just have a casual conversation, like you would have with a friend of yours.

The key is to NOT force yourself into getting her number. Just enjoy the conversation and try to make it flow naturally. Think of some topics to ask her. For example, if you approach her at a park and she’s reading a book, ask her about the book she’s reading, and so on.

After some time, by doing this, you’ll get more comfortable around women and you’ll be able to get some numbers here and then.

If you get hints from a girl that she wants you to approach her, like a long eye contact and a smile, go for it! Don’t let the fear control you.

When you sense that feeling that you want to approach her, do it the second you feel it! If you don’t, you’ll start overthinking in your head, and eventually, you won’t approach her.

3. Find an interesting hobby

Yes, having a hobby or an activity you like doing will increase your chances of socializing and connecting more with women. For example, if you like running, you could go for a run, or for a walk. You’ll meet a lot of women in your town or other nearby town by doing this simple activity.

Of course, you have to start a conversation, because a woman will rarely approach you first. Start with a simple hi and try to not overthink the situation at all.

4. Plan some topics to talk about in advance

If you’re a shy guy and are going, for example, on a first date with a girl, prepare some topics in your head to talk about in advance.

You could plan fun topics and open-ended questions about hobbies, family, travel, movies, etc. There are even some flirty questions you could ask her, such as “What is your favorite body part on a man?”.

If you prepare these topics in advance, you should be able to avoid awkward silence, and by occasionally being flirty, the conversation will not be boring. She will most likely flirt back if she’s interested in you.

I know flirting can be hard if you’re a shy guy, but simply say to yourself “I’m gonna go for it” and that’s it. Don’t overthink too much.

Start with simple, friendly questions. Get to know her more, and if you feel its a comfortable moment, ask her some flirty questions, like the one I mentioned above.

5. Dress nicely & care about yourself

By dressing nicely, you’ll most likely feel more confident! Buy some nice clothes, a nice pair of jeans, a hoodie, or something you like. Wear that when you go out, and you’ll have more confidence when talking to girls.

Also, make sure you’re well-groomed, have a nice hairstyle, and nice shoes. If you wear dirty shoes and dirty clothes, girls can notice that and won’t like it.

What you can also try is to find a good perfume. If you don’t like spraying it on your skin, spraying it once on your clothes is going to be enough.

Women love a good-smelling man. It is one of the things that turns them on.

So, don’t be cheap. If you can, afford all of this to maximize your confidence and chances with the women you like.


I know it can be tough when you’re shy, but by implementing these 5 tips, you will feel more confident and less shy overall. Women will also be a lot more attracted to you.

In conclusion, go out more! This is by far the most important one. Do small steps, one at a time. Simply start by greeting people, and when you feel more comfortable, you can approach someone and talk about something.

Don’t force yourself to get a number from a random girl you like immediately. The most important thing is to get comfortable talking to girls before continuing further!

Good luck!

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