You are now probably texting a girl and you’re wondering if it’s bad to reply fast to her. You might even ask yourself questions such as how long you should wait to text her after her messaging you and if you should wait long to respond if she does the same.
In this article, I will answer these questions. First, let’s talk about texting in general. How you should text a girl, and should you respond fast to her or not?
Texting A Girl
So, how should you text a girl you like? In my previous article, I talked about the “breadcrumbing” technique. You don’t want to show desperation and neediness because that will turn a woman off immediately.
The “breadcrumbing” technique means that you should be giving a girl some attention, then pulling back, then giving some attention again, then again, pulling back, and so on.
Is It Bad to Reply To Her Fast?
So, is it bad to reply fast to a girl? Not necessarily if you show that you’re a high-value guy. The “breadcrumbing” technique I mentioned is basically one way of playing games with her. This will help you to some extent, because you won’t seem needy.
However, a lot of girls can sense when you’re playing games. If they do, they will not want to deal with you; they will distance themselves from you.
Now you might ask: “Well, what should I do then?”. First of all, you should IMPROVE your life, meaning that you have to be busy with your hobbies, work, and other activities besides texting her. That way, you’ll show her that you’re a high-value guy, and you won’t really have to play games with her because everything will go smooth naturally.
When you don’t have any hobbies or activities that you enjoy doing, you will be on your phone constantly checking if she replied to your message.
When she replies, you’ll get that dopamine hit, and you COULD act needy by constantly texting her immediately, and she’ll sense the desperation.
On the other hand, you could wait a few hours to respond which will lower the chances of you appearing desperate and needy. However, as I previously mentioned, a lot of women can sense that you’re playing games then, especially if you mentioned that you don’t have a lot of hobbies or activities.
It is fine to text a girl fast occasionally if she puts the effort as well. But don’t do it too often. Every once in a while, pull back.
You could have a period where you guys text back and forth and respond within minutes, but then be the first one to “disappear” for some time. Just simply go “ghost” after you guys talking for a while, and after some time, preferably a couple of hours, continue from where you left of.
You could then send her a message couple hours later saying “I was in the gym. Just came home.”, or “Been doing a project. Was very busy! Now I’m heading to the gym.” or something along those lines.
That way, you’re showing her you’re a high-value guy that has other activites besides her, and you will create more attraction.
HOWEVER, if you are REALLY doing these sorts of activities and if you are REALLY busy, this will happen naturally. You simply won’t have time to respond fast all day long. You see how that works?
So, there’s no golden rule on when to message a girl. Don’t play games. Be busy, and things will flow smoothly naturally.
If A Girl Takes Long To Reply, Should I Do The Same?
This, again, is another way of playing games with a girl.
If you guys are texting and if it seems like she isn’t really putting in the effort (she gives you short one-word or two-word responses and takes hours and even more than a day to respond), the best bet is to cut her off.
If a girl is really interested in you, she won’t wait 24 hours to respond to your message every time.
Sometimes, she might really be busy and might take a few hours or some longer time to respond. However, if it happens ALWAYS, it’s not a good sign.
In that case, you could mirror her actions and show her “Hey, I see what you’re doing.”. It’s definitely better than texting her within a few minutes after she replied to you after like 10 hours.
However, your best bet is to simply deal with a girl who won’t always take too long to reply.
You can occasionally respond fast to a girl, it’s not a big deal, especially if she’s putting in the same effort and responding back fast to you.
However, once in a while, you should pull back and not respond for a at least and hour or two, preferably more, to show her that you have hobbies and other activities in your life besides her.
Then, a few hours later, you just continue from where you left of.
Simply be busy, have a fun life, and things will flow smooth naturally. You won’t have to overthink it and play games.
Texting Mistakes That Turn Girls Off